Perfect Pink Polka Dots

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

I Want a Daddy

Today my oldest said something to me that is obviously bothering me because I'm still up thinking about it. She's only 7 but she's wise beyond her years. Anyway her comment in a nutshell was "It's not fair that we don't have a Daddy in our house". Normally when I blog I have all the answers. Now, my head is full of questions.

Was I wrong when I her Dad asked and I said a second chance was out of the question? Should I have married fiancé number two who was kind, sweet and good lucking but who I knew I didn't love like I felt a wife should love her husband? Had I cheated my daughter by engaging in this last passionate romance?

At what point should I forget the fairy tale and put her needs before mine? This is definitely a conundrum. I've been in a loveless marriage. My girls are the only reason I would ever consider going there again. Right now, I'm not willing to make that sacrifice. I'll just patiently wait for Prince Charming.


One of my first posts was about the relationship my Mom and I share.  Thank God that he can change things.  In the past couple of months I've felt closer to her than I've ever felt.  She's been there for me and my daughters whenever I needed her and I've made sure to fulfill my daughterly duties as well.  I'm glad that the situation is changing because I want our relationship to serve as a model for the relationship that my daughters and I share and will share.  Also, I think about how my Mom lost her Mom at such an early age.  I don't want to waste any of our time being angry.  I only have one life.  I'm going to live it and enjoy it with the ones that I love.  There are no other options.