Perfect Pink Polka Dots

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Start Like You Want to Finish

Have you ever been in the middle or at the long end of a relationship and thought "Am I really here? Why am I putting up with this?". Sometimes we extend ourselves so much to capture the attention and hearts of not only significant others but friends that when they expect the above and beyond one time too many we call them on it and things either change or here comes the resentment.

I've recently discovered through the goings on of a very important relationship that it's important to start like you wish to finish. In this relationship I was very lenient with the respect factor and now the other party involved is having a hard time dishing out the respect that I'm demanding. While I understand that the reality check I've written is difficult for this person to cash, they'd better be making their way to the bank because there are no take backs. Today's hump day thought is to start like you wish to finish and always command respect.

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